Whose coat is this? It's John's coat.

Whose blouse is that? That is Jenny's blouse.

What color is Cindy's hair? Cindy's hair is black.

What color are the teacher's shoes? The teacher's shoes are black.

Is this Mark's pocket? No, it isn't Mark's pocket. But, it's the teacher's pocket.

Is a hippie's hair short? No, a hippie's hair isn't short. But, it's long.

Is a Asia a country or a continent? Asia is a continent.

Which country is in Asia? For example, Korea is in Asia. 

Which country is in Europe? For example, Italy is in Europe.

Which country is in Africa? For example, Egypt is in Africa.

Are there gorillas in Africa? Yes, there are gorillas in Africa.

Are there elephants in Europe? No, there aren't elephants in Europe.

Is Brazil a hot country? Yes, Brazil is a hot country.

Is Sweden a cold country? Yes, Sweden is a cold country.

Is India a cold country? No, India isn't a cold country. But, it's a hot country.

Is it hot or cold today? It's cold today.

Is the window open when it's cold? No, the window isn't open when it's cold. But it's open when it's hot.

Is December a hot month? No, December isn't a hot month. But, it's a cold month.

Is July a cold month? No, July isn't a cold month. But, it's a hot month.

Is Germany west of Poland? Yes, Germany is west of Germany.

Is Slovakia east of the Czech Republic? Yes, Slovakia is east of the Czech Republic.

Is Spain east of France? No, Spain isn't east of France. But, it's west of Spain.

Is the USA north of Brazil? Yes, the USA is north of Brazil.

Is Austria north of the Czech Republic? No, Austria isn't north of the Czech Republic. But, it's south of the Czech Republic.

Is Briton in the north of Great Britain? No, Briton isn't in the north of Great Britain. But, it's in the south of Great Britain.

Is Glasgow in the south of Great Britain? No, Glasgow isn't in the south of Great Britain. But, it's in the north of Great Britain.

Is Dover in the west of Great Britain? No, Dover isn't in the west of Great Britain. But, it's in the east of Great Britain.

Is Cardiff in the east of Great Britain? No, Cardiff ins't in the east of Great Britain. But, it's in the west of Great Britain.




Is Japan an African country? No, Japan isn't an African country. But, it's an Asian country.

Is Scotland an Asian country? No, Scotland isn't an Asian country. But, it's a European country.

Tell me a European country please. For example, Scotland is a European country.

유러피안 앞에는 an 이 아니라 a

Tell me an Asian country please. For example, Korea is an Asian country.

Tell me an African country please. For example, Egypt is an African country.

awkward 어색한

at home

at work

at school

a garden

Are you at school? Yes, I'm a school.

Are you at home? No, I'm not at home. But, I'm at school.

Are you at work? (애트월ㅋ)? No, I'm not at work. But, I'm at school.

Do you have a television at home? No, I don't have a television at home.

Do you have a garden at home? No, I don't have a garden at home.

Do we have a black board or a white board at school? We have a white board at school.




What am I doing? You are speaking.

Is she speaking? No, she isn't speaking.

Is he speaking? No, he ins't speaking.

Am I speaking Spanish? No, you aren't speaking Spanish. But, you're speaking English.

Are you speaking Swedish? No, I'm not speaking Swedish. But, I'm speaking English.

a library

Is there a library at school? Yes, there is a library at school.

Is the library open now? No, the library isn't open now. But, it's closed.

How many libraries are there in your town? There are 100 libraries in my town.

name, boy, dress, second, finger, in front of, behind, ceiling, door, face, light, stand, shoe, city, man, Mrs, short, tall, student, open, my, high, low, those, above

I'm a teacher.

A ceiling is high.

The plural of that is those.

W is after X. False.

Thursday is between Monday and Wednesday. False.

The opposite of high is low.

Our books are English.

The window is open when it's cold. False.

I'm going to the window now.

Tokyo is the capital of Japan.

A is a vowel.

A student is a thing. False.

There are seven days in a week.

You're a student.

The letter A is before letter B.

B is a consonant.

Five plus seven equals twelve.

D is before E. 

B is between A and C.

Eight minus five equals four. False.

Berlin is a large city.

Monday is the first day of the week.

December is the first month of the year. False.

Men is the plural of man. 

Hello. My name is John. What is your name? My name is Cindy. Is this a ceiling? No, it isn't a ceiling, but it's a floor. It is not a door, but it is a window. A city is large. A village is small. I'm a teacher. You're a student. She is a woman. He is a man. 

What is his surname? His surname is John.

What is her name? Her name is Cindy.

What is this? It's a pencil.

What is this? It's a pen.

What is this? It's a book.

What is this? It's a door.

What is this? It's a window.

What is this? It's a table.

What is this? It's a chair.

What is this? It's a room.

Is this a picture? Yes, It's a picture.

Is this a box? Yes, It's a box.

Is this a window? No, it isn't a window. But, it's a door.

Is this a light? No, it isn't a light. But, it's a wall.

What is your phone number? It's six double two.

Am I Ms.Smith? Yes, You're Ms.Smith

Are you Mr.John? Yes, I'm Mr.John.

Is this a man? Yes, this is a man.

Is this a woman? Yes, this a woman.

Is the woman tall? Yes, the woman is tall.

Am I a woman? Yes, you're a woman.

Is this a girl? Yes, this is a girl.

Is this a boy? Yes, this is a boy.

Am I a teacher? Yes, you're a teacher.

Are you a student? Yes, I'm a student.

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