Am I looking at you? Yes, you're looking at me.

Are you looking at them? No, I'm not looking at them. But, I am looking at you.

Where is the poster? The poster is on the wall.

Am I pointing at them? Yes, you're pointing at them.

Who is asking a question? The teacher is asking a question.

Who is answering them? The students are answering them.

Does a nurse have blue and white clothes? Yes, a nurse has blue and white clothes.

What is this? It's a jacket.

What is this? It's a button.

Is this your jacket? No. It's isn't my jacket.

How many buttons does this shirt have? This shirt has four buttons.

What color is your jumper? My jumper is blue.

Do you have a long black coat? Yes, I have a long black coat.

What is this? It's T-shirt.

What is this? That is a hat.

Do you have a black shirt? No, I don't have a black shirt.

How many pockets do your trousers have? My trousers have two pockets.

What is this? It's a belt.

What is this? It's a bra.

What is that? That is blouse.

Is this skirt blue? No, this skirt isn't blue. But, it's red.

What color are the pants? The pants are white.

Who has blue a dress? Christina has a blue dress.

Do you have blue socks? Yes, I have blue socks.

Are your shoes clean? Yes, my shoes are clean.

Is the floor dirty? No, the floor isn't dirty. But, it's clean.

Is Hornsea a dirty town? No, Hornsea isn't a dirty town. But it's a clean town.

Are cats dirty animals? No, cats aren't dirty animals. But, they're clean animals.

What is this? It's a wallet?

What color is your bag? My bag is black.

Do you have a wallet in your bag? No, I don't have a wallet in my bag.

Are you wearing jeans? Yes, I'm wearing Jeans.

Are you wearing a shirt and trousers? Yes, I'm wearing a shirt and trousers.

Are you wearing a skirt? No, I'm not wearing a skirt.

Is she wearing a dress? No, She isn't wearing a dress.

Who is wearing a purple T-shirt? Jone is wearing a purple T-shirt.

Whose jumper is this? It's her jumper.

What color is your eyes? My eyes are black.

Whose chair is green? Her chair is green.

Whose books are these? These are our books.

Whose chairs are these? These are their chairs.

Whose chairs are green? Our chairs is green.

Whose ballpoint is this? It's the teacher's ballpoint pen.

Whose coat is this? It's jone's coat.

Whose blouse is that? That is Jenny's blouse.

What color is Cindy's hair? Cindy's hair is black.

What color are the teacher's shoes? The teacher's shoes are black.

Is this Mark's pocket? No, It's isn't Mark's pocket. But, it's the teacher's pocket.

Is a hippie's hair short? No, a hippie's hair isn't short. But it's long.




a continent



Is Asia a country or a continent? Asia is a continent.

Which country is in Asia? For example, Korea is in Asia.

Which country is in Europe? For example, Italy is in Europe.

Which country is in Africa? For example, Egypt is in Africa.

Are there gorillas in Africa? Yes, there are gorillas in Africa.

Are there elephants in Europe? No, there aren't elephant in Europe.



Is Brazil a hot country? Yes, Brazil is a hot country.

Is Sweden a cold country? Yes, Sweden is a cold country.

Is India a cold country? No, India isn't a cold country. But, it's a hot country,

Is it hot or cold today? It's cold today.

Is the window open when it's cold? No, the window isn't open. But, the window is open when it's hot.

Is December a hot month? No, December isn't a hot month. But, it's a cold month.

Is July a cold month? No, July isn't a cold month. But, it's a hot month.

The Czech Republic


Is Germany west of Poland? Yes, Germany is west of Poland.

Is Slovakia east of the Czech Republic? Yes, Slovakia is east of the Czech Republic.

Is Spain east of France? Yes, Spain is east of Spain.

Is the USA north of Brazil? Yes, the USA is north of Brazil. 

Is Austria north of the Czech Republic? No, Austria ins't north of the Czech Republic. But, it's south of the Czech Republic.

Is Brighton in the north of Great Britain? No, Brighton isn't in the north of the Great Britain. But, it's in the south of the Great Britain.

Is Glasgow in the south of Great Britain? No, Glasgow isn't in the south of Great Britain. But, it's in the north of Great Britain.

Is Dover in the west of Great Britain? No, Dover isn't in the west of Great Britain. But, it's in the east of Great Britain.

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