Are there shoes on both my feet? Yes, there are shoes on both your feet.

Are elephants and gorillas both animals? Yes, elephants and gorillas both animals.

Do you have a pet at home? Yes, I have a pet at home.

Are cats and dog both pets? Yes, cats and dogs are both pets.

A frog is green. Is this right? Yes, It's right.

A puma is pink. Is this wrong? Yes, It's wrong.

Your mobile phone is in my pocket. Is this right? No, it isn't right. But, it's wrong.

A pony has a long tail. Is this wrong? No, it isn't wrong. But, it's right.

Brussels is the capital of Belgium. Am I right? Yes, you're right. Brussels is the capital of Belgium.

A gorilla is a bird. Am I wrong? Yes, you're wrong. A gorilla isn't a bird.

I am a student. Is this right? No, it isn't right. But, it's wrong. You're a teacher.

Is there only one sentence on page 44? No, there isn't only one sentence on page 44. But, there're 12 sentences.

Does a rabbit have a three ears? No, a rabbit doesn't have three ears. But, it has only two ears.

Does a cat have a two tails? No, a cat doesn't have two tails. But, it has only one tail.

Are there two CDs in your book? No, there aren't two CDs in my book. But, there is only one CD.

What is this? It's a whiteboard.

Is this a blackboard? No, it isn't a blackboard. But, it's a whiteboard.

Do we have a blackboard or a whiteboard in the classroom? We have a whiteboard in the classroom.

Am I standing now? Yes, you're standing now.

Am I jumping now? Yes, you're jumping now.

What am I doing? You're standing.

What is the boy doing? The boy is standing.

Is Mr.Jones standing? Yes, Mr.Jones is standing.

Is Ms.Smith jumping? No, Ms.Smith isn't jumping. But, she is standing.

Am I standing there now? No, you aren't standing there now. But, you're standing here.

Are you sitting now? Yes, I'm sitting now.

Am I lying on the floor? No, you aren't lying on the floor. But, you're standing.

What is the programmer doing? The programmer is sitting on the sofa.

Is the driver standing? No, the driver isn't standing. But, he's sitting.

Is Cindy lying? No, Cindy isn't lying. But, she is sitting.

Am I sitting on the sofa in the living room? No, you aren't sitting on the sofa in your living room. But, you're standing in the classroom.

Am I writing now? Yes, you're writing now.

What am I reading? You're reading your book.

What is the manager doing? The manager is reading.

What is the secretary doing? The secretary is writing.

Is the secretary reading? No, the secretary isn't reading. But, she is writing.

Is the manager writing? No, the manager isn't writing. But, she is reading.

What are you doing? I'm writing my name.

present continuous = 현재진행형

When do we use the present continuous? We use the present continuous when we are doing something now.

For example? I am writing my name.




Am I going to the door? Yes, you're going to the door.

Am I coming from the door? Yes, you're coming from the door.

Where Am I going? You're going to the window.

Am I closing the book? Yes, you're closing the book.

What is the waiter doing? The waiter is going to the window and closing it.

Are you going to the cinema now? Yes, I'm going to the cinema.

What part of my body am I touching? You're touching your arm.

What part of my face am I touching? You're touching your nose.

Touch your ear please. What are you doing? I'm touching my ear.

What are you doing? I'm touching my back.



Am I opening the book? Yes, you're opening the book.

What am I doing? You're opening the book.

Am I closing the window? No, you aren't closing the window. But, you're opening the book.

Am I taking your mobile phone? Yes, you're taking my mobile phone.

What is the sales representative doing? The sales representative is taking the box and opening it.

What am I doing? You're jumping.



What's your name? My name is GILDONG. Am I asking a question? Yes, you're asking a question.

Is she short? Yes, she is short. Are you answering my question? Yes, I'm answering your question.

Is Belgium a country? Yes, Belgium is a country. What are you doing? I'm answering your question.

Are you a person? Yes, I'm a person. What am I doing? You're asking a question.

What am I pointing at? You're pointing at the light.

What are you pointing at? I'm pointing at the window.

Am I pointing at the door? No, you aren't pointing the door. But, you're pointing the window.

What are you looking at? I'm looking at the picture.

Is she looking at the book? No, she isn't looking at the book. But, she is looking at the picture.

Am I looking at the book? No, you aren't looking at the book. But, you're looking at the picture.

What am I doing? You're saying my name.

'cat'. Am I saying a French word? No, you aren't saying a French word. But, you're saying an English word.

Say this letter please. The letter A. What are you doing? I'm saying the letter A.

What is the nurse doing? The nurse is saying something to the girl.






I ask your classmate to tell me the opposite of present please. What is he doing? He is telling you the opposite of present.

I ask your female classmate to tell him the second month of the year. What is she doing? She is telling him the second of the year.

I ask your male classmate to tell her the third day of the week. What is he doing? He is telling her the third day of the week.

I am looking at you. Who am I looking at? You're looking at me.

Am I pointing at her? No, you aren't pointing at her. But, you're pointing at him.

'study > English' 카테고리의 다른 글

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