For example, I like white coffee. Do I like white coffee? Yes, you like white coffe.

Do you prefer bread or white bread rolls? I prefer bread.

Do you like English songs? No, I don't like English songs.

Does he sing songs in French? No, he doesn't sing songs in French.

Do you prefer a clean or dirty city? I prefer a clean city.

Dose she prefer a clean or dirty city? She prefers a clean city.

Do we prefer English or Japanese? We prefer English.

Do I prefer black coffee? No, you don't prefer black coffee. But, you're prefer white coffee.

Do you like television? No, I don't like television. But, I like the cinema.

Do you prefer white bread rolls? No, I don't prefer white bread rolls. But, I like bread.

Does he prefer white bread rolls? No, he doesn't prefer white bread rolls. But, he prefers bread.

Do we prefer Japanese? No, we don't prefer Japanese. But, we prefer English.

Do they sing songs in Italian? No, they don't sing songs in Italian.

What dose the word 'habit' mean in Korean? The word 'habit' means '습관' in Korean.

Dose the word 'simple' mean jacket in Korean? No, the word 'simple' doesn't mean jacket. But, it's means '간단한'.

Tell me what the word 'jacket' means, please. The word 'jacket' means '외투'.

Tell me what the word 'shoe' means, please. The word 'shoe' means '신발'.

What dose the word 'break' mean? The word 'bread' means '휴식'.

It isn't a finger, but it's a thumb.

It isn't a head, but it's a hand.

What part of the body is this?

It's your right knee.

It's your left elbow.

This thing is a ballpoint pen.

The opposite of first is last.

Do they have long hair?

Does the chiar have legs?

I do not have a large key.

A hippie does not have short hair, but she has long hair.

What do we usually eat at the cinema? We usually eat popcorn at the cinema.

Are you eating popcorn? No, I'm not eating popcorn.

Do you eat popcorn? Yes, I eat popcorn.

Do you often eat sushi? Yes, I often eat sushi.

Do you eat both cheesebugers and hamburgers?  Yes, I eat both cheeseburgers and hamburgers.

Do you eat popcorn? Yes, I eat popcorn.




Do you eat bread with or without butter? Yes, I eat bread with or without butter.

Do you eat hotdogs with or without ketchup? Yes, I eat hotdogs with or without ketchup.

What color is milk? Milk is white.

What is white coffee? White coffee is coffee with milk.

What is black coffee? Black coffee is coffee without milk.

Do you like tea with milk? No, I don't like tea with milk.




Are you drinking water? No, I'm not drinking water.

What color is coke? Coke is black.

Do you drink coffee? Yes, I drink coffee.

Do you drink both tea and coffee? Yes, I drink both tea and coffee.

Do you drink coffee with milk? Yes, I drink coffee with milk.

Is John drinking coke? No, John isn't drinking coke.

Is there water in your body? Yes, There is water in my body.

What do people drink at the cinema? People drink coke at the cinema.






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