Tell me the months of the year please. The months of the year are January, February ~ and December.

Which month is before November? October is before November.

Which month is after May? June is after May.

Which month is between June and August? July is between June and August.

What are the four seasons? The four seasons are spring, summer, autumn and winter.

Which are the summer months? The summer months are June, July and August.

Which are the winter months? the winter months are December, January and February.

Is September a spring month? No, September isn't a spring month. But, it's 'an' Autumn month.

Is July a winter month? No, July isn't a winter month. But, it's a summer month.

Count to ten please. 1, 2, 3 ~ 

Count from nine to fifteen please. 

Count from 12 to 20 please.


What number is this? 

120 -> one hundred and twenty

278 -> two hundred and seventy eight

3,459 -> three thousand four hundred and fifty nine

6,544,324 -> six million five hundred and forty four thousand three hundred and twenty four

What's the number of this class room? The number of this class room is 6.

What's the number of this page? The number of this page is thirty

How old are you? I'm 00 years old.

How old am I? You're 00 years old.

How old are the people in this picture? He's 00 years old. and She's 00 years old.

How many student are there in the class room? There're 6 students in the class room.

How many picture are there on that wall? There're 2 picture on that wall.

How many cinemas are there in your city? There're 10 cinemas in my city.

How many letters are there in the word 'ceiling'? There're 7 letters in the word 'ceiling'

How many words are there in the sentence 'Your hair is brown?' There're 4 words in the sentence 'Your hair is brown'

스무개 - twentieth

What is the First day of the week? The first day of the week is Monday.

What is the second day of the week? The second day of the week is Tuesday.

What is the fifth month of the year? The fifth month of the year is May.

What is the tenth month of the year? The tenth month of the year is October.

Which is the fourteenth letter of the Alphabet? The fourteenth letter of the Alphabet is N

Which is the twenty second letter of the Alphabet? The twenty second letter of the Alphabet is V

What page is this? It's the thirty first page.

Which page is this? It's the fifty seventh page.


Which is the last letter of the Alphabet? The last letter of the Alphabet is Z.

Is Z the first letter of the Alphabet? No, Z isn't the first letter of the Alphabet. But, it's the last

Which is the last day of the week? The last day of the week is Sunday.

Is Monday the last day of the week? No, Monday isn't the last day of the week. But, it's the first.

Which is the last month of the year? The last month of the year is December.

Is this the last page of the book? Yes, It's the last page of the book.

repeat please, translate this sentence please, I don't understand, Can you repeat? Can you say it slowly? Open your book. Close your book. What does it mean?

an arm

a hand

a head

a thumb 

a finger

indefinite article 부정 관사(a, an)

What is this? It's a hand.

Is this a thumb or an arm? It's an arm.

Is this a finger of a thumb? It's a finger.

Is this a finger? No, it isn't a finger. But, it's a thumb.

Is this a head? No, it isn't a head. But, it's a hand.

a face

an ear 

an eye

a nose 

a mouse

What is this? It's a nose.

Is this an ear? or an eye? It's an ear.

Is this an eye? or a mouse? It's an eye.

Is this a mouse? No, it ins't a mouse. But, it's a face.

Is this an ear? No, it isn't an ear. But, it's an eye.

a leg

a foot


a back

a wrist


Is this a foot or hair? It's hair.

Is this his foot? or his back? It's his foot.

Is this your leg? No, it isn't my leg. But, it's your wrist.

Is this a wrist? No, it isn't a wrist. But, it's hair.

a part

a body

a neck

a nee

an elbow

What part of the body is this? It's an elbow.

What part of the body is this? it's a nee.

What part of the body is this? It's a neck.



Is this my left ear? or my right ear? It's your right ear.

Is this my left elbow? or my right elbow? It's your left elbow.

Which hand is this? It's your right hand.




Is my hair long or short? Your hair is long.

'study > English' 카테고리의 다른 글

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