
Where is the picture? The picture is behind the teacher.

Are the students behind the teacher? No, the students aren't behind the teacher. But, they're in front of the teacher.

Is the door behind the teacher? No, the door isn't behind the teacher. But, It's in front of the teacher.

Where is the ceiling? The ceiling is above the students.

Where is the floor? The floor is below the teacher.

Is the ceiling below the students? No, the ceiling isn't below the students. But, it's above the students.

Is the poster above the light? No, the poster isn't above the light. But, it's below the light.

Am I between the chair and the table? Yes, you're between the chair and the table.

Is Thomas between Cindy and John? Yes, Thomas is between Cindy and John.

Is page 7 between page 6 and page 8? Yes, page 7 is between page 6 and page 8.

Is page 3 between page 4 and page 6? No, page 4 isn't between page 4 and page 6. But, it's between page 2 and page 4.

What letter is this? It's a letter A.

What's your name? My name is Gil-dong.

Spell your name please. The spelling is g-i-l-d-o-n-g.

What's my name? Your name is Tommy.

Spell my name please. The spelling is t-o-m-m-y.

What's his name? His name is John.

Spell his name please. The spelling is j-o-h-n.

What's her name? His name is Cindy.

Spell her name please. The spelling is c-i-n-d-y.

a vowel

a consonant

Is A a vowel? Yes, A is a vowel.

Is B a consonant? Yes, B is a consonant.

Is C a vowel? No, C isn't a vowel. But, it's a consonant.

Is I a consonant? No, I isn't a consonant. But, it's a vowel.

a word.

What is this? It's a word.

Is this a letter? No, it isn't a letter. But, it's a word.

Is this a French word? No, it isn't a French word. But, it's a English word.

world   word 
wɜːrld   wɜːrd

Spell the word picture please. The spelling is p-i-c-t-u-r-e.

Spell the word where please. The spelling is w-h-e-r-e.

Spell the word English please. The spelling is e-i-n-g-l-i-s-h. 

a sentence.

Is this a word? No, it isn't a word. But, it's a sentence.

Is this a Russian sentence? No, it isn't a Russian sentence. But, it's an English sentence.

a question

an answer

'What is your name?' Is this a question? Yes, it's a question.

'My name is tommy.' Is this an answer? Yes, it's an answer.


Where is the question? The question is in the chart.

Where is this answer? This answer is in the chart.



Is 3 before 10? Yes, 3 is before 10.

Is 7 after 3? Yes, 7 is after 3.

Is 6 before 5? No, 6 isn't before 5. But, it's after 5.

Is 4 after 8? No, 4 isn't after 8. But, it's before 8.

Is L before K? No, K isn't before K. But, it's after K.

Is P after R? No, P isn't after R. But, it's before R.

Which letter after W? X is after W.

Which page after page 6? Page 7 is after page 6.

a full stop(.)


a comma

a question mark



Am I here? Yes, you're here.

Is he there? Yes, he's there.

Is she there? No, she isn't there. But she's here.

Is the book here? No, the book isn't here. But, it's there.

there is

a park

a pocket

Is there a poster on the wall? Yes, there is a poster on the wall.

Is there a CD in this book? Yes, there is a CD in this book.

Is there a park in your town? Yes, there is a park in my town.

Is there a mobile phone in your pocket? Yes, there is a mobile phone in my pocket.

Is there a ballpoint pen in my pocket? No, there isn't a ballpoint pen in your pocket.

Is there a picture on the wall? Yes, there is a picture on the wall.

There are

a film

the cinema

a television

Are there 3 picture on the wall? Yes, there are 3 picture on the wall.

Are there questions and answers in study book? Yes, there are questions and answers in study book.

Are there films on television? Yes, there are films on television.

Are there films at the cinema? Yes, there are films at the cinema.

Are there letters in the book? Yes, there are letters in the book.

Are there films on television? Yes, there are films on television.

there is not


Is there a television in the class room? No, there isn't a television in the class room.

Is there a tall man in the picture? No, there isn't a tall man in the picture.

Is there music at the cinema? No, there isn't music at the cinema.

Is there a cinema in Amberley? No, there isn't a cinema in Amberley.

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