
Is this a floor? No, It isn't a floor. But, it's a ceiling.

Is this a light? No, It isn't a light. But, it's a wall.

What is your phone number? My phone number is 622 529 172.

What is her phone number? Her phone  number is 622 529 172.

Am i miss.smith? Yes, you're Miss.Smith.

Are you Mr.Hong? I'm Mr.Hong.

Are you Mrs.Black? No. i'm not a Mrs.Black. But, I'm Mr.Hong.

Is this a man? Yes, this is a man.

Is this a woman? Yes, this is a woman.

Is the man tall? Yes, the man is tall.

Is the woman tall? Yes, the woman is tall.

Are you a man? Yes, i'm a man.

Am i a woman? Yes, you're a woman.

Is this a girl? Yes, this is a girl.

Is this a boy? Yes, this is a boy.

Is the boy short? Yes, the boy is short.

Is the girl short? Yes, the girl is short.

Am i a teacher? Yes, you're a teacher.

Are you a student? Yes, i'm a student.

Am i tall? Yes, you're tall.

Are you tall? Yes, i'm tall.

Is he a waiter? Yes, he's a waiter.

Is he a programmer? Yes, he's a programmer.

Is he a man? Yes, he's a man.

Is she a manager? Yes, she's a manager.

Is she a doctor? Yes, she's a doctor.

Is she a student? Yes, she's a student.

a short form or contration

I am = I'm

You are = You're

He is = He's

She is = She's





Am i a man? No, you aren't a man. But, you're a woman.

Am i a student? No, you aren't a student. But, you're a teacher.

Are you a woman? No, I'm not a woman. But, I'm a man.

Is he a manager? No, he isn't a manager. But, he's a waiter.

Is she a programmer? No, she isn't a programmer. But, she's a doctor.

Are you a manager? No, i'm not a manager. But, i'm a student. Are you a manager? No, i'm not a manager. But, i'm a teacher.

A nurse

A secretary

A driver

A sales representative <r 발음은 l의 레가 아님, 입을 모아주면 쉬움)

Am i a nurse? No, you aren't a nurse. But, you're a teacher.

Are you a secretary? No, i'm not a secretary. But, I'm a student.

Is she a sales representative? No, she isn't a sales representative. But, she's a doctor.

Is he a waiter? No, he isn't a waiter. But, he's a nurse.



He isn't a doctor.

She isn't a secretary.

Am i a man? No, you aren't a man. But, you're a woman.

Am i a student? No, you aren't a student. But, you're a teacher.

Are you a driver? No, I'm not a driver. But, i'm a student.

Are you a sales representative? No, I'm not a sales representative. But, i'm a student.

Is he a doctor? No, he isn't a doctor. But, he's a nurse.

Is she a secretary? No, she isn't a secretary. But, she's a manager.

Is she a driver? No, she isn't a driver. But, she's a teacher.



Are you present? Yes, I'm present.

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